Welcome to 3C

Welcome to 3C
We are very excited to start your Moorlands journey with us in Year 3.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to come to speak to me, I will be available at the beginning (8:35am) and at the end of the day (after 3.40 pm.)
- Mr Clark
We use Google Classroom to share homework each Monday. Google Classroom will show the details for English and maths homework - there will be one English and one maths related homework per week; one could be a computer based task which will be rotated between the subjects each week and the other will be a written task which can be submitted online, on paper or in the orange homework book. All homework should be handed in by the following Monday or before. Some of the electronic homework may use Education City, Spelling Shed, spag.com, maths.co.uk or Times Table Rock Stars.
Children will have a reading book which should be read daily. Your child’s reading record will come home every day to be completed. Opportunities will be given each day for your child to change their reading book, if they need a new one. In Year 3, we will give regular reminders about changing reading books, either as a whole class or individually. We are beginning to use Accelerated Reader quizzes to start earning word counts towards being millionaires.
Your child will have indoor and outdoor PE lessons on specific days. Tuesday is outdoor PE. Thursday is indoor PE. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on their PE days. Children will need the correct footwear for indoor PE. Only school PE kits are to be worn, not branded tracksuits. So far this year we have enjoyed sessions of dance, indoor problem solving games, cricket and touch rugby.
In our science topic we have been learning about plants and what a plants needs to grow properly.
In history we have started a new topic about the Stone Age with the enquiry question: How has Britain changed from the Stone Age to the Iron Age?
In art we have learnt about observational drawing, focusing on tone, shade and colour.
In DT we are learning structures that can be used to protect and carry objects such as eggs, fruit and other food items.
Trafford Music Project
This spring term we have been learning to sing songs and how to play the flute with our teacher Miss Fazackerley.