Welcome to 5H

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to come to speak to me, I will be available at the beginning (8:35am) and at the end of the day (after 3.40 pm.) I’m also on class dojo if you need to contact me. 
We have been writing all about unicorns and used our publishing books to create a final draft. We worked with Pie Corbett to craft our writing in live lessons every Monday. We also studies black history month and created posters all about it. 

This half term, our focus has turned to creating adventures inspired by "Podkin One-Ear" by Kieran Larwood. 

Keep checking in to see what we produce this half term as our Podkin adventure unfolds...

Your child will have a reading book which should be read daily and a comment should be written on the reading log pages of the Home/School diary; please record your reading! Staff will hear your child read their guided reading book once a week and will also sign their reading log. 
Outdoor PE will be Friday afternoon and Indoor PE is Tuesday Morning. We have also being dancing in PE this term, learning how to Travel and work on different levels. We have started Lacrosse learning how to travel with the ball and we are learning the rules and how to play.

Homework will be sent out each Monday to be returned the following Monday. There is one maths and one English piece to complete each week, in addition to some spelling, times tables and reading activities. We also alternate between written (in orange books) and online homework each week.