Welcome to 5D

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to come to speak to me, I will be available at the beginning (8:35am) and at the end of the day (after 3.40 pm.)



Homework will be sent out each Monday to be returned the following Monday. There is one maths and one English piece to complete each week, in addition to some spelling, times tables and reading activities. We also alternate between written (in orange books) and online homework each week.



Children are encouraged to read daily and record reviews in their reading logs once they have completed their books.

We also complete Accelerated Reader Quizzes to celebrate when we have finished our books - this helps us to build up our very own word count and work towards becoming "Millionaire Readers". 

Children are also invited to borrow books from our class library in addition to their school reading books, so they can read a variety of different text types.



On Thursdays we have our indoor PE slot, this half term we are focusing on dance. 

We have outdoor PE each Friday at school, this half term we will be completing team games and orienteering. 

Children can come to school on Thursdays and Fridays in their Moorlands PE kit (black jumper, white polo shirt and black joggers). 

English "Live Lessons"

We are very lucky to be taking part in Pie Corbett's live writing lessons each Monday morning. We began the lessons by writing poems and learning how to blog about Unicorns. We then finished off the half term by creating some fantastic "Unicorn fact files" which we have proudly displayed in our publishing books.

During the Autumn term, our focus was on creating adventures inspired by "Podkin One-Ear" by Kieran Larwood. 

During the Spring term we have been reading the book "TYGER" by S. F. Said, using the ideas and imagry to enhance our writing. We have written some beautiful Tiger poems and artwork - take a look at the photograph reel!

Keep checking in to see what we produce this term as our Tyger adventure unfolds...



During the Autumn term, we learnt about the Anglo Saxon's and Vikings in humanities lessons and Space and Forces within our science lessons.

The Spring term topics covered include The Maya Civilisation as well as studying the rainforests and South America. During our science lessons in the spring term, we have been completing lots of exciting experiments as part of our "Properties of Materials: Changing State" topic and are also going to be looking at Renewable Energy later on in the term.