Welcome to 4F
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to come to speak to me, I will be available at the beginning (8:35am) and at the end of the day (after 3.40 pm.)
Here is a little insight into some of the things we have been getting up to and learning in 4F.
This year, we began by reading the following books: Fizzlebert Stump, The Firework Maker's Daughter, The Iron Man, Creeping Beauty and a collection of myths.
Since Christmas, we have read How to Train Your Dragon, Wildsmith and The Sewer Demon
In Autumn 1, our English work centred around Fizzlebert Stump - The boy who ran away from the circus and joined the library. We focused on trying to included descriptive phrases and emotive language in our work.
In Autumn 2, English linked heavily with our humanities topic - Ancient Greece. We looked at a handful of different Greek myths including Perseus and Medusa, Theseus and the Minotaur, Pandora's Box and 12 Labours of Hercules. We produced work linked to each of them and evaluated what are the key parts that make up a myth so we are ready for when we create our own.
In Spring 1, English work was based around the book How to Train Your Dragon. We focused on how we could create exciting, descriptive paragraphs as the book has a lot of action.
In Spring 2, we carried on using How to Train Your Dragon for the first few weeks before moving on to looking into poetry and having plenty of attempts at writing our own.
In Autumn 1, we investigated why life can be compared to a journey. We did this by first looking at in with a humanist approach before delving deeper into other religions and why their life journey differs to ours.
In Autumn 2, we looked into to why Jesus is so inspiring.
In Spring 1, we answered what we can learn from religions about what is right or wrong?
In Spring 2, we have looked at Jewish family life and festivals and what matters to Jewish people?
Our first Humanities topic, Ancient Greece span the length of two half terms with elements of both history and geography. This has included looking at the impact Ancient Greece had with coinage, Olympics, architecture, battle formations, religion and democracy. We have also looked at where Greece/Ancient Greece is/ was situated in the world and compared it to the UK in terms of Geology.
Our second topic also was across two half terms and was centred around the Romans and Italy. The geography side of the topic looked at Italy - where it was located in the world and it's geographical features including rivers and mountains and volcanos. The second part was a deeper look into the Romans - particularly the impact they had when they invaded Britain.
In Autumn 1, we have looked at electrical circuits including how they work, the components in them and experimented with making them.
In Autumn 2, our science was been split into two parts including a local scientist study and investigating sound.
In Spring 1, we learnt about the states of matter - Solid, Liquid and Gas. This involved discovering what particles made up different substances and objects around us and investigating if the states of such objects/substances could change.
In Spring 2, we started Animals including humans. This involves learning about digestion and teeth.
In PE, before Christmas, we learned how to play Lacrosse and took part in gymnastics and dance lessons.
Since Christmas, we have also played tag rugby, indoor invasion games and took part in orienteering.
We made shadow puppets for our first DT topic. This including investigating how shadows are created using light and looking how we can manipulate shadows to create detail on our puppets. We experimented using holes, cellophane and split pins to create puppets that would cast a shadow that would move, be colourful and clear.
Our second DT topic saw us make reading lights. For this we had to recap how to make a circuit which we initially did in science at the beginning of the year. Then we looked at different reading light designs before designing our own. We had to think about what kind of design would allow us to get the circuit equipment inside and also whether we would be able to collect the materials to make it. Once we had made the reading lights, we tested them out and saw how well they enabled us to read.
In art, we have looked at Dream Art and it's linked to Surrealism. This has included looking at the artists Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, Marc Chagall and Julie Lagier. We have evaluated art work (professional and our own) and experimented using artistic techniques such as blending, colour mixing and photography to then use them to create our own work. A big part of looking at Dream Art has been focusing on not necessarily creating art work that is so literal.
in our second art topic, it has linked to our humanities topic of the Romans. We have been looking at mosaics, designing our own, making one out of paper before finally making a coaster mosaic to take home that is made from tiles.