Welcome to 4T

Welcome to 4T
 Hello, my name is Miss Taylor and I teach this class.
If any parent or carer wishes to speak to me with questions or concerns, I am available at the beginning (8.35am) and at the end of the day (after 3.40pm).
Homework is set every Monday. Myself and Miss Foley upload a homework grid to google classroom which details the tasks to be completed each week. There is one maths and one English, usually one electronic and one paper homework to be completed. Homework is due in the following Monday.
Daily reading homework is expected to be completed and children are encouraged to complete times table and spelling work online. Spelling journals will come home weekly with homework tasks for the children to complete and returned to school the following week.
If your child is having issues completing homework on time, please contact me. 
We encourage daily reading homework to be completed and parents should aim to take an active role within this, signing reading logs to support children in the process.
Our PE days are Mondays and Thursdays. Monday is outdoor PE, Thursday is indoor PE.
Please send your child into school in their appropriate PE kits for their PE lessons.
During the autumn term, we will be studying electricity and sound in science. For humanities, we will be studying ancient and modern Greece. 
We will be reading a range of texts including Fizzlebert Stump, The Firework Maker's Daughter and the Iron Man. We will also study a variety of Ancient Greek myths in English which will help us to write our own versions, with our own mythical creatures and heroes.
As we approach Christmas, we will be writing performance poetry on the theme of Christmas.