Welcome to 6B

Welcome to 6B
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to come to speak to me, I will be available at the beginning (8:35am) and at the end of the day (after 3.40 pm.)
Homework is set every Monday and uploaded to google classroom and class dojo. There is one maths and one English, usually one electronic and one paper homework to be completed. Homework is due in the following Monday.
Daily reading homework is expected to be completed and children are encouraged to complete times table and spelling work online. If your child is having issues completing homework on time, please contact me. 
Children are expected to read daily and record reviews in their reading logs once they have completed their books.

We also complete Accelerated Reader Quizzes to celebrate when we have finished our books - this helps us to build up our very own word count and work towards becoming "Millionaire Readers".  Well done to those of you who are already millionaires. Looking forward to our first multi-millionaire. Who's it going to be?!

Children are also encouraged to borrow books from our class library in addition to their school reading books, so they can read a variety of different text types.

Indoor PE will be Wednesday afternoon and outdoor PE is Friday afternoon. Please send your child into school in their appropriate PE kits for their PE lessons. This term children will be learning skills in dance related to our WW2 topic. In outdoor PE we will be doing OAA (Outdoor Adventurous Activities). Watch this space for more info.
In Science we have just completed our Electricity unit and will be moving on to Light. We will be learning about how light travels, reflection and shadows. In a link to our humanities topic, we will also be making periscopes using mirrors and reflection.
In humanities (history based topic) we are focusing on the impact of wars (WWI and WWII). Children will be focusing on the build up to both WWI and WWII, the evacuation of Dunkirk, the impact of WWII on men, women and children, propaganda, D-day and finally V.E/V.J day. 
In art, we will be looking at Henry Moore, LS Lowry, Paul Nash, Anthony Gross and Edward Bawden. These artists created some stunning pieces of work based around the war. We will be mimicking their techniques and developing/enhancing our own.